Vitiligo- Myths and Facts .

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which white spots appear on skin surface, this is result of loss of melanocytes in the skin. It is autoimmune disease in which body’s immune system mistakenly attack healthy cells producing skin pigments melanin which gives colour to the skin. There are lot of doubts relating to Vitiligo which makes home for misconceptions, so knowing the fact and exact cause is important.
Some common myths and facts related to Vitiligo are:

• Myth1: Eating specific food combination causes Vitiligo.

Fact: Vitiligo is skin condition which is not affected by food, there are no specific food or combination of foods that causes Vitiligo. It’s a myth that eating milk over fish, eating white coloured food or certain citrus food causes Vitiligo, there is no scientific study proving the same. White Food/Citrus food and Vitiligo have no relation.

• Myth 2: Vitiligo is communicable or contagious.

Fact: Vitiligo does not spread through sharing utensils, cloth, sharing personal items, close contact, saliva, making sexual relation etc. It is non communicable. This is mere a social belief and society should be educated for the same. People with vitiligo suffer from social discrimination resulting in depression, so proper education about this disease is necessary.

• Myth 3: Vitiligo is Hard to diagnose:

Fact: Vitiligo can be identified easily. Clinical diagnosis based on skin conditions like hypopigmented, chalky white macules, non-scaly skin can be done easily, though some laboratory test may be needed for same.

• Myth 4: people with vitiligo have lower mental or physical ability.
Fact: Vitiligo is a skin condition which have nothing to do with physical or mental ability of a person. It does not affect any internal body organ. Person suffering from vitiligo is completely healthy both physically and mentally.

• Myth 5: Every white patch is vitiligo.
Fact: No, every white patch is not vitiligo. There are lot of diseases which can cause skin discolouration like nevus, leprosy, fungal infection, eczema, atopic dermatitis, post burn skin depigmentation, pityriasis alba etc. It is better to visit dermatologist(Skin Specialist) for exact difference between vitiligo and other skin issues.

• Myth 6: Vitiligo affects only hands and face.
Fact: This is myth, generally light or white skin patches are commonly seen on sun-exposed area like hands, feet, arms, lips and face, but in some circumstances, it can appear in the armpits, eyes, genitals, navel and rectal area etc.

• Myth 7: Phototherapy treatment is not safe.

Fact: Phototherapy (NB-UVB and PUVA) treatment is an effective and safe treatment for vitiligo patients, but proper protocols should be followed.

• Myth 8: Vitiligo is linked with cancer, albinism and leprosy.

Fact: Cancer, albinism and leprosy are not related to vitiligo. Vitiligo is skin disease, an autoimmune illness where immune system attacks healthy skin cells. It has nothing to do with vitiligo.

• Myth 9: Vitiligo affect only dark skin or dark complexion.
Fact: This skin illness is not dependent upon skin colour, skin type or specific skin tone. Vitiligo can affect any skin colour and type.

• Myth 10: Vitiligo can be treated by applying different oils or by home remedies.
Fact: Using home remedies is not an effective treatment rather using different oils and creams without proper doctor consultation is just delaying the treatment process. Only dermatologist can provide best treatment as per skin type like UV light therapy, surgical skin, cellular grafts and medicines. So, consulting doctor is best way to treat vitiligo.


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