
Showing posts with the label psoriasis nail psoriasis scalp psoriasis skin disease skin doctor dermatologist dry skin depression skin problem phototherapy uv therapy biologicals

All About Psoriasis

1)      What is psoriasis?   ·        Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin disease which sometimes also involves nails and joints. It affects up to 2% of the world population. ·        Psoriasis is not a life-threatening disease generally but recurrences are common. ·        Psoriasis is a disease which is treatable and can be effectively and completely ·        controlled but is not curable.   2)      How one can get psoriasis?   ·        The exact cause of psoriasis is not known. It is a complex interplay between genetics and immunology. ·        Genetic susceptibility and environmental factors are responsible for disease. ·        Normally the epidermis or outer layer of skin is continuously replaced and it takes place in three and four weeks. There is increased turnover of skin cells in psoriasis so that the skin cells are formed and shed within a week.   3)      Is psoriasis hereditary? Is psoriasis transmissible to family members or contacts