Care of Hands for an Eczema Patient - Care of sensitive skin of Hands.
Caring for Hands in Eczema: A Delicate Balancing Act Eczema, a chronic skin condition marked by inflammation and irritation, can significantly impact the health and appearance of the hands. Proper care is essential for managing symptoms, preventing flare-ups, and promoting overall hand health in individuals with eczema. 1. Gentle Cleansing: Begin with a gentle cleansing routine. Use mild, fragrance-free soap and lukewarm water. Harsh soaps and hot water can strip the skin of natural moisture, exacerbating eczema symptoms. 2. Moisturize Regularly: Hydration is key for eczema-prone hands. Apply a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer immediately after washing to lock in moisture. Consider moisturizing multiple times a day, especially during dry or winter months. Keep bottles/jars of moisturizer close to the sink/basin. Keep moisturizer at multiple places(near your TV remote, bedside table, your place of work) at home, car and office . 3. Choose Appropriate Produc...