Foods to Stop Hair Fall and get Luscious Hair.

We all have an urge to have thick, bouncy, luscious hair just as we see in movies. It is generally said your body is what you put in, so having healthy diet can make your hair healthy and shiny. Healthy lifestyle includes many factors like nutrition rich food, staying stress free, sleep cycle, genetics, environment around you etc. Eating foods
which are rich in vitamins and micronutrients are essential for your healthy hair.

Some options are:

·        Fish:

Fish like Salmon, tuna and other fatty fish are great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is also great for healthy heart. These oily fish are not only good source of omega -3 but also source of protein, selenium and Vitamins D and B. So, these tasty fishes will not only tickle your taste buds but also give you healthy hair.

·        Eggs:

Eggs are store house of protein, and basic nutrients like iron, choline, Vitamins A, D and B12. Eggs also contain biotin which boost new hair growth, biotin is so essential that its deficiency can lead to hair loss. Therefore, including eggs in your breakfast can make your hair, skin and eyes heathy.

·        Nuts:

Everyone loves munching nuts like peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts etc. These are not only tasty but easy source of healthy fats, biotins, protein and zinc. This ensures tissue development on scalp and stimulate new hair growth. Consuming these nuts in adequate quantity daily can prevent hair loss considerably.

·        Lentils:

As hair follicles are made up of protein, therefore protein is necessary for healthy hair. There are many options available but for vegetarians Lentils can be a great choice as it is rich in protein. Pulses like chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas etc can help fulfil your protein requirement. These pulses are also rich in folate and B- complex vitamins that is also vital in hair growth.

·        Yogurt:

Rich in probiotics, yogurt contain high amount pf protein. These probiotics help in absorbing nutrients and keeping gut healthy. So, for gorgeous hair try to have yogurt daily.

·        Vegetables:

We all know that vegetables are necessary for our health. Specially vegetables like pumpkin, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, green vegetables can help you get beautiful and healthy hair. These vegetables have less calories but high amount of fibre and vitamins. Pumpkin is great source of Vitamins C, E and A, and help to repair damaged skin cells. And vegetable like avocado is great source of plant-based biotin and healthy fats. It can protect your scalp from oxidative stress and can make hair quality better. So, your colourful plate of salad will not only watch your calories but also give you luscious hair.

·        Fruits

Fruits, high source of vitamins B6, B12, C, fibre, folic acids. Try including fresh fruits in your diet especially citrus fruits.

·        Seeds:

Seeds like flaxseeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds are great source of omega -3, antioxidant and gut loving fibre. Chia seed is great source of protein, it contains 20% more protein than soyabean, it has high amount of zinc and copper. Flaxseeds are omega -3 rich seeds and great for hair growth. Deficiency of these basic nutrients can lead to hair loss. Try including these superfoods in your diet for healthy and strong hair. These are also vegan friendly source of protein.






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