Holi Skin Care Tips

Skincare tips to follow for protecting your skin this HOLI...

1. Stop using all actives and exfoliants 2 days prior to Holi.
2. No scrubbing should be done
3. No in clinic procedures such as peels and lasers should be done.
4. Moisturise your skin well with a thick moisturiser.

5. Use petroleum jelly  to protect your lips, corner of mouth, eyes, nose and behind your ears
6. Cover your nails with transparent nail polish and extend it beyond nail margins
7. Slather yourself with liberal quantity of sunscreen. Don't forget your hands and feet. 
8. Protect your hair by applying coconut oil all over your scalp and hair length.
9. Opt for full sleeve clothing, protective hairstyles such as buns and braids. You can use bandana and scarfs to protect your hair and don't forget your sunglasses.

Remember to be safe

Happy holi !!!
Enjoy to the fullest


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