
Showing posts from March, 2023

Mental Health issues in Vitiligo

Vitiligo Depression Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which skin patches lose pigment and develop light colour patches on the skin. This is chronic autoimmune disorder that can affect either small area or whole body. In this the skin cells responsible of making pigment that is melanocytes skin cells are attacked and destroyed by body’s own healthy tissues by mistake.   Vitiligo is not contagious in nature that means it cannot spread from one person to other through physical touch, sharing food or sexual activity.  Though it is not communicable still it is treated as curse in our society, which impacts mental health of person with vitiligo.  Conditions like low self-esteem, anxiety, depression are really common in vitiligo patients.  Vitiligo patient fights a daily battle with themselves, feeling of being different and not accepted as normal in the society may tear them down emotionally and make them feel low about their body. Therefore, ...

होली के बाद बालों की देखभाल के दिशा निर्देश

होली के बाद बालों की देखभाल के दिशा निर्देश: अपने बालों से जितना हो सके रंग झाड़ ले जब तक रंग सूखा हो तब तक उसे हटाना आसान है | नहाने से पहले किसी पुराने तौलिये या नैपकिन से जितना हो सके रंग झाड़ ले  ठंडे पानी से धोऐ  अपने बालों को ठंडे पानी से धोएं | ऐसा करने से रंग आसनी से निकल जाता है इसके पशचात बालो को साफ करने के लिया मंद केसमार्जक (शैम्पू ) mild shampoo का प्रयोग करें |  कंडीशनर की मोटी परत लगाएं जब आपने अपने बालो से रंग को अच्छे से धो दिया हो, तब अपने बालो मे ऊपर से नीचे तक गहना कंडिशनर की मोटी परत लगाएं    पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी पिएं होली के दौरान पानी पीना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है | क्योकि होली मे हम रंगो से खेलते वक्त ज्यादा तर समय धूप मे बिताते है, इसलिए हमारे शरीर को नम रहना जरूरी है | इस समय आपको अत्यधिक पानी पीना चाहिए अन्यथा थका हुआ और कमज़ोर महसूस करेंगे |

Hair Care Tip before playing Colours on Holi.

होली  के पूर्व बालो की देखभाल के लिए दिशानिर्देश होली खेलने जाने से ठीक पहले , अपने सर की त्वचा पर अपने पसंदीदा तेल के साथ मालिश कीजिए  जैसे की नारियल का तेल, जैतून का तेल या फिर बादाम का तेल | यह प्रक्रिया आपने बालो को रसायन से होने वाली हानि से बचाता है एवं आपके सर की त्वचा  को पोषित करता है |  दोमुहे बालो को काट दीजिये  होली के रंगो मे रंगने से कुछ दिन पहले अपने दोमुहे बालो को काट ले | होली के रंग आपके बालों के सिरों को क्षतिग्रस्त कर देते है, जिससे आपके दोमुहे  बाल और ज्यादा विभाजित हो जाता है | अपने बालो को ढक कर या  फिर बाँध कर रखे  अपने बालो को टूटने से बचाने के लिए चोटी बनाना सुनिशिचत करें | यदि आप यह नही करना चाहते, तो अपने बालों को केवल किसी सूती दुपटे से लपेट लीजिये |

Holi Skin Care Tips

Skincare tips to follow for protecting your skin this HOLI... 1. Stop using all actives and exfoliants 2 days prior to Holi. 2. No scrubbing should be done 3. No in clinic procedures such as peels and lasers should be done. 4. Moisturise your skin well with a thick moisturiser. 5. Use petroleum jelly  to protect your lips, corner of mouth, eyes, nose and behind your ears 6. Cover your nails with transparent nail polish and extend it beyond nail margins 7. Slather yourself with liberal quantity of sunscreen. Don't forget your hands and feet.  8. Protect your hair by applying coconut oil all over your scalp and hair length. 9. Opt for full sleeve clothing, protective hairstyles such as buns and braids. You can use bandana and scarfs to protect your hair and don't forget your sunglasses. Remember to be safe Happy holi !!! Enjoy to the fullest

Holi Hair Care tips : Post Holi Hair Care tips from a Skin Specialist

POST HOLI HAIR CARE TIPS: Dust off color as much colour as you can It is easier to remove the colour while it is still dry. Take old towels, napkins and try to dust off as much of it as you can before getting into the shower and getting wet. Wash with cold water Wash your hair with cold water as it removes the colours easily. Then use a mild shampoo to cleanse the hair. Apply thick layer of conditioner  Once you have washed off the colour from your hair, apply a thick layer of intense conditioner all over the length of your hair. Remain hydrated Drinking water is vital during Holi. Since, we spend most of the time under the sun while playing with colour, so our body needs to remain hydrated. You should drink lots of water otherwise you will    feel tired and exhausted

Stay Safe during Holi : Hair Care Tips from A Dermatologist .

PRE HOLI HAIR CARE TIPS: Begin with a oil massage Massade your scalp with any oil of your choice, like coconut, almond, or olive oil right before you go to play Holi. This protects your hair from getting damaged from the harsh chemicals and nourishes your scalp. Chop off the split ends A couple of days before you douse yourself in colour, get rid of your split ends. Holi colours leaves you with damaged ends, causing your hair to split way more than usual. Always cover or tie your hair Make sure to braid your hair te prevent breakage. If you really want to go the extra mile, simply wrap your hair up in a cotton scarf or cover it with a hat.