From common problems such as acne, under eye dark circles and fungal infections to birthmarks, white patches and scars, we have a custom treatment just for you. The range of techniques that we adopt and which you can choose from is quite wide.
Whatever the age of patients who walk into our facility, we endeavor to give them healthy, youthful skin that lasts. However, it is not just the needs of adults that we look after.

Skin Conditions We Treat
Some examples of skin conditions the Doctor treats:
• Acne
• Alopecia (hair loss)
• Atopic dermatitis
• Cloasma & Melasma (dark skin discoloration)
• Eczema
• Nail fungus & infections (e.g. paronychia) • Pigmentation
• Psoriasis (red skin and irritation)
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Skin cancers
• Warts
• Vitiligo

Specialty Areas
Besides general dermatological issues, we have two special areas of interest:

Children’s Services: Children’s skin is constantly affected by the environments they are in. We help you treat their issues as they arise, and help prevent future conditions from occurring.
• Acne
• Skin allergies
• General skin infections • Fungal infections
• Molluscum contagiosum
• Warts 

Aging Skin: As the skin is the protective barrier against the outside, our skin is always being attacked. Sunlight, bacteria and injuries are external issues that wear down the skin. Improper diet, smoking and alcohol also act on the skin in negative ways.

We help you with early detection of issues, “photodamage” from sunburns, with skin check-ups. And we help treat any issues to improve the health, and prevent them from getting worse.

Investigative Procedures
To analyze and treat skin, hair and nail conditions, we can offer the following services:
• Instant Direct Examination: For more complicated concerns such as fungal infection, we do instant direct examination.
You can get instant information without the need to wait for the samples to be sent to a laboratory.
• Biopsy: For skin cancer and other more difficult-to-diagnose (?) concerns, we use a biopsy to determine the issue, and determine if it is benign or malignant.
All biopsies are evaluated by  certified-board dermatopathologists – very specialized doctors whose sole focus in on skin health: skin diseases, skin cancer and other skin conditions.
• Special Laboratories: For issues which cannot be determined from the above tests, we have special laboratories which can evaluate any skin condition or disease.

Therapeutic Procedures
We view treatment in three ways:
• Prevention: We advise the correct type and levels of protection, such as medical-grade sunscreens or vitamin A acid, for your specific skin type.
• Enhancement:
• Therapeutic: We prescribe medication (topical, oral or through injection) based on the condition treated. We use the standard medicines and not lesser quality imitations.


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